Inspired by local village eccentric Ivy Bickerstaff who has an amateur interest in ancient history, Podric discovers the village he lives in has a Roman heritage. Using Ultimate Alternative Reality Podric comes face to face with Julius Caesar whose legions are making camp for the night at the outset of their quest to conquer newly […]
Coming Soon: Podric Moon - Over the Moon
Fifth in the Podric Moon series this latest Ultimate Alternative Reality adventure takes Podric and his friends behind the scenes in the First World War. The Great War being part of their A Level History syllabus, the few Wendbury High School UAR privileged pupils become involved in this global conflict covering everything from the Western […]
Podric Moon & the Corsican Tyrant
The first of the Podric Moon series – 17 year old Podric has just lost his fast jet aviator father. His dad having influenced the boy into playing computer games, Podric is a champion but now loses interest and feels lost. Partly driven by a desire to somehow reconnect with his dad and seek adventure […]
Second in the Podric Moon series – Ultimate Alternative Reality is established. As well as experiencing all the teenage twenty-first century challenges – girls, exams and the odd spot, Podric’s studying the American Civil War for his GCSE history. Keen for insider knowledge about what the conflict entailed, Civil War takes Podric and his friends into Abe […]
Third in the Podric Moon series – Podric’s been writing conventional games that have become successful. So much so he has to hire a lawyer to represent him. Learning of Podric’s other non-marketed games world, Kaliska Monroe becomes fascinated and asks if she can experience UAR. Having had a life-long obsession with JFK and his […]
A brilliant young Manhattan chef is compromised by New York’s most successful mortician into opening a restaurant. Whilst the meat supply is highly suspect the restaurant is an overnight success. In this black comedy – reality meets the surreal. Restaurant Incarnate becomes one of the city’s favourite ‘in’ places visited by the good and great. But the […]
A rogue element in the Chinese government activates its ICBM arsenal aimed at the Land of the Free. Missiles are targeted at cities across the United States. The US having developed ‘Star Wars’ – the ‘Iron Dome’ laser guided defence system works brilliantly. Nearly all of the nuclear missiles are destroyed. One however, gets through […]